Caring for your deckchair

Caring for your deckchair

Deck chairs Dublin Ireland

We recommend that you keep your deckchairs indoors when not in use. Although the wood is a hardwood (eucalyptus) it will go grey and stain over time if left outdo0rs. And as the fabric is made from 100% cottton, it should be really be kept dry, except for passing showers.You should also check the nuts and bolts from time to time to ensure the chairs stay good and sturdy. All you'll need is a basic allan key to do this.

We have been supplying deckchairs from Portugal for more than 7 years. They are robust and sturdy and very comfortable. Made from eucalyptus wood (FSC approved) and heavy duty cotton canvas that can be washed or replaced. Last year we had a few reports from customers that the fabric was not held securely in place by the wooden dowels at each end. It seems that some of the dowels were too narrow and the fabric could slip though the wooden bars that holds it in place. We would ask any customers who have encountered this issue to contact us, and we will replace the wooden dowel, or the deckchair if necessary. Please read the attached document which explans how to care for your chair. We have carefully checked all the deckchairs ourselves and have insisted that the Portugeuese manufacturer also do the same thing.

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